Thursday, May 9, 2013

30 Schoolchildren in Residence

Earlier this evening I spoke to Amie, the social worker-relative who helped to introduce (virtual introduction since technically, I have not met any of the kids yet) me to the kids of the Senor Sto. Nino Home, and kick start this project. I have given her a list of questions to better understand the needs of the kids, and she has very kindly contacted the directress of the home to get the answers: 

1. What are the age brackets of the kids in residence? 
Officially, the home is only supposed to take care of kids aged below 1 year old up to 5 years old. The kids are open to adoption wherever possible, but due to challenges in placement, the home is still "home" to kids older than 5 years old. 
2. How many schoolchildren are currently in residence? 
At this time, about 30 of all the kids in residence are going to school.

3. What are the age and gender distribution, and grade level of the kids? 
Info to follow. The elderly directress was not familiar with the exact data and we will need to coordinate with another social worker assigned to the home to get the details. 

4. Which school do these kids go to? 
Info to follow.

5.Which congregation runs and manages the home? 
The home is managed by the sisters from BVMC or Blessed Virgin Missionaries of Carmel.

I am targeting a minimum of 30 care packages for this project. In the event that we are able to produce more than that, the sisters are also supporting schoolchildren from impoverished families in a squatter area at Airport Subdivision. We can share any extra care packages with those schoolchildren then. 

I have also requested for photos of the home, and of the children, if possible - though we may have to blur the faces  of the kids. Hopefully Amie can get the pictures for us soon. Amie is assigned to another facility and she is doing all these for us, on top of her current responsibilities - thank you Amie! Hopefully, Amie can contact the social worker actually assigned to the home, so I can deal with her directly, and not bother Amie about all these questions anymore; she has enough on her plate already. 

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