Thursday, May 2, 2013

Project Shoe Box

Soon after watching the Report Card docu, I started thinking of ways to help. 

I thought about sending those children using leaves and charcoal, real pens and papers, but soon realized that a lot of people have the same idea, especially after seeing the documentary. I also thought about sending a cash donation over to the Kapuso Foundation - which I quickly scrapped as being too generic. 

One idea that I really really liked was the Project Shoe Box supported by our soldiers, of all people.  The initial plan was to collect 1000 shoe boxes and fill these with school supplies for children in some of the poorest parts of Southern Luzon. In the end, they collected enough supplies for 15 thousand elementary students, thanks to individual and corporate donations. 

And so the idea was born: fill a box with school supplies!

The next question was: who should benefit? 

I thought about those schools already mentioned in the documentaries I've seen - but quickly realized that other people who have seen them may have also contributed already. I want it to be somewhere not too far, that I will be able to join and witness first hand the gift-giving activity. But I didn't have any contacts who can help me get in touch with the right people.

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