Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Education Care Package, Visualized!

I have been trying to visualize how the care package will look like, so I just took pictures of items that I want to place in the package, and this is what I got: 

I know, I know... it's a very rough picture, but I hope it will give you an idea of what the kids will be receiving. I am trying to concentrate on the most basic items they will need! If you think there are other items that should be included, please let me know.

Initially, to keep costs down, I thought of putting everything in a sturdy plastic envelope, which can serve two purposes: storage, as well as pseudo-school bag. But I have also been browsing some online shops to check if there affordable but durable school bags available. I've come across some school bags that can be had for less than one hundred pesos, but quality is dubious. So for now, it will have to be the plastic envelope. 

I am waiting to hear back about the actual demographics - age group and grade level at school -  of the current residents at the home.  We don't wanna be giving a 3rd Grader writing pads for Grade 1, do we now? lol. I hope to have that information available next week. 

I've also been checking out sources for the books that I want to include. Booksale has some nice pre-owned and unused children's books for 35 pesos and up. National Bookstore also has it's own series of illustrated Tagalog books in the same price range, but I might find more affordable ones in Divisoria. Too bad the Tutuban Mall burned down months ago; it could have been an alternate source of affordable supplies. 

I've been having second thoughts about including a toy in the care package, as it might bring the cost up, plus we have to be careful about the kind, type and make of the toy we're giving out, lest they become a health-hazard -- which we do not want at all cost! We want to help, not harm! I guess it will depend on the demographics of the current residents - if there are more school children there, then we focus on the school supplies. If not, we might just have enough budget to include a toy in the package. I will surely keep you posted and will share more information as soon as they are received.        

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